Advantages of Deep Learning In Machine Vision Applications

We leverage the latest technological advances, such as AI, to enable automated systems to make human-like decisions.

Nearly 30 years ago machine vision applications simplified manufacturing, analysis and research by taking over mundane tasks, with robotic repetition. Now, 30 years later deep learning is shaping these industries by tackling varying tasks, with human accuracy.

Machine vision applications have been used in manufacturing, analysis and research for over 20 years, and in that time not much has changed. Since its inception in these fields, machine vision has been aiding manufacturers and research centres to identify objects based on programmed algorithms that detect and examine predetermined elements. However, its application was limited in nature as it was connected to the predictability of the task. 30 Years later, and machine vision is still unable to extend beyond its original limitations to tackle non standardised tasks. Not until deep learning that is.

Deep learning in machine vision applications is set to disrupt the industry with its ability to examine complex and varying objects with the same level of precision it would simple objects. Except now, it won’t just be repeating an action. It will be intuitively deciphering what action needs to be taken.